Tent by Kent... and more

The other color pic by Joe Phillips; the b&w one by one 'Anos Nemos' - thanks to Ad (see comments) for identifying that one.


Ad said...

The black and white one is by Anos Nemos (anonymous), who drew a lot for eighties US gay mags. The left one I'd like you to verify: Joe Boy is a character of Joe Phillips www.joephillips.com I can understand you confuse him with Patrick Fillion; their styles are quite similar.

like your blog ,
Ad of delftboys.com and

Ad said...

oh yeah,
I've added your weblog to my links in the artists weblog section

Justin said...

I stand corrected... I had been looking at a lot of Fillion just befroe posting this one, so that must have gotten me confused. Actually, I like Phillips even better... I corrected the mistake in the post, thanks for pointing it out.