I remember this magnificent paean to cock as if the ropes and ropes of richest spew its contemplation prodded from my prong were still saturating my boyhood pecs and fist, for teaching me so much of nipple as it taught me of fuck, and because I hugely loved the gorgeousness of top. I can almost not wait to stroke cock again in gratitude to dream of his full guything up my adoring ass. Thanks vastly.
Justin (*1969) is a guy nextdoor with a filthy mind, who has been drawing hardcore mansex since the age of 14. On this blog you can view his works, as well as gay hardcore artwork by other artists, and a lot else besides. Almost anything goes, as long as it’s steamy (and legal, of course). If vanilla is your thing, you might want to look elsewhere... Pencilmen guarantees 100% hot content and consistently high quality images. Feel free to comment, to submit hot pictures, send in selfpics, or to suggest a scenario for a drawing (may take a while to actually get finished, because half the time while drawing Justin’s hand is holding something else than his pencil). I love to hear from you!
Justin’s special interests are serious BDSM, cumeating and piss. Apart from drawing, wallowing in gay porn and having sex with guys, he enjoys c2c action and dirty online chats.
Pencilmen welcomes you as long as you are of legal age and your pants are down. Apart from Justin’s original drawings, all images were taken from the public domain and no ownership is claimed.
Justin's latest news
The weather is heating up, and so am I... I'm really crazy horny these last few weeks, with a mind full of twisted fantasies. Fortunately one of my regular fuckbuddies suffers the same symptoms, so we are keeping each other pretty busy these days. And when he's not around I'm jacking off like mad, shooting at least two loads a day.
1 comment:
I remember this magnificent paean to cock as if the ropes and ropes of richest spew its contemplation prodded from my prong were still saturating my boyhood pecs and fist, for teaching me so much of nipple as it taught me of fuck, and because I hugely loved the gorgeousness of top. I can almost not wait to stroke cock again in gratitude to dream of his full guything up my adoring ass. Thanks vastly.
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