Josman update

A little tour aroud the www did yield some newer Josmans I hadn't seen yet, though these too are three years old by now. The drawing style seems a little less sophisticated; and while the sons grow younger, that dads get older - where will that end? - (well, actually I found a few Josman items where he very clearly crossed the line he is moving towards in these cartoons, but due to Blogger policies I can't post those here...)


MR said...

i really enjoy josman's work. cant get enough

Anonymous said...

so where can you post them lol?

Justin said...

If you're interested, just send me your mail-adress and we'll work something out...

Anonymous said...

I've only just discovered your blog,while blog hopping looking for josman pics - and I've not seen ANY of these pics before.Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou !


tudorjason said...

I would love to see the pics you can't post here too.